‘Equestrian Journalist’

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Longines League of Nations in Ocala for Horse Illustrated

Longines League of Nations in Ocala for Horse Illustrated

It was a great privilege to photograph a world-class showjumping competition like the Longines League of Nations at the World Equestrian Center in Ocala, Florida. Before this event, I had never even been to the World Equestrian Center in Ocala FL, much less had the credentials to photograph there. To…

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Equine Media Awards Honors 2020

Equine Media Awards Honors 2020

A highlight of every year is attending the American Horse Publications annual conference, which culminates in a fancy Equine Media Awards dinner and ceremony. Of course, this year’s conference had to be canceled due to the virus, so the awards went virtual this year. Saturday night, I sat watching my screen, heart…

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Horse Illustrated Mustang Training Series

Horse Illustrated Mustang Training Series

In September 2018, I visited my friend MacDermaid at her ranch near Phoenix, AZ. Annie has been the top TIP (Trainer Incentive Program) trainer for the Mustang Heritage Foundation for the past three years and has devoted her life to finding homes for wild horses. I worked with my editor…

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Skijoring Photos and Magazine Feature

Skijoring Photos and Magazine Feature

I was planning to just share my photos of a published feature from last winter’s Extreme Skijoring event at Canterbury Park when I realized I never blogged the original event! I’ll share the feature first, then tell a bit about the event and share a video I made “Behind the…

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