‘Equine Photography’

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Western Horseman Opening Shot – A Flash of Brilliance

Western Horseman Opening Shot – A Flash of Brilliance

In the moments following the creation of this photo last summer, I remember saying “This one might just make ‘Opening Shot’ in Western Horseman magazine! Well, guess what? I was right! I’m so honored to have another image and the story behind it featured in the July 2019 issue. From cowboys to…

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A Chrome Magazine Article about Me!

A Chrome Magazine Article about Me!

I remember the first time I held a copy of Chrome Magazine, a lifestyle publication of the American Paint Horse Association. Its larger than average size, deliciously thick paper and gorgeous layouts drew me in and made me say to myself, “Someday I would like to see my images in…

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My Horses in Winter

My Horses in Winter

Now that the taller-than-me piles of snow around my farm are melting (they are still waist high!), I thought it might be fun to share some of my favorite photos of my two horses from this winter.  I’ve only lived on my own acreage for 3 winters and this has…

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America’s Horse – Cover, Writing, Photos & Video

America’s Horse – Cover, Writing, Photos & Video

Sometimes I get this wild idea I can do it all.  Pushing boundaries is part of how I stay interested in my work and grow both personally and professionally. It sounds good when I write it, but the actual pushing of the boundaries is usually quite uncomfortable. This was my…

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Horse Illustrated Mustang Training Series

Horse Illustrated Mustang Training Series

In September 2018, I visited my friend MacDermaid at her ranch near Phoenix, AZ. Annie has been the top TIP (Trainer Incentive Program) trainer for the Mustang Heritage Foundation for the past three years and has devoted her life to finding homes for wild horses. I worked with my editor…

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Skijoring Photos and Magazine Feature

Skijoring Photos and Magazine Feature

I was planning to just share my photos of a published feature from last winter’s Extreme Skijoring event at Canterbury Park when I realized I never blogged the original event! I’ll share the feature first, then tell a bit about the event and share a video I made “Behind the…

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Ames Percherons Fall Photo Shoot

Ames Percherons Fall Photo Shoot

The Ames Percheron Team are definitely one of my favorite things to photograph. The horse’s amazing power, yet gentleness of soul causes me to stand in awe.  They hire me seasonally to create images for their yearly calendar. This shoot for autumn images was a bit challenging as our autumn…

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Friso and Wee – Fine Art and Experimental

Friso and Wee – Fine Art and Experimental

It has been raining for days and I had to reschedule yet another photo shoot, so I asked my friend Erica Hatfield if I could come to her barn and photograph a couple of her horses that I’ve been wanting to get in front of my camera.  My original vision…

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Ranching Photo Shoot with Zeph Schulz

Ranching Photo Shoot with Zeph Schulz

Earlier this year, I put out a model call, asking if anyone knew of a working ranch I could visit and photograph for my equine stock photo library. Ranching images are popular, but all my ranch images were taken at the same ranch, and I wanted to add more diversity…

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Three Covers and an Article – September 2018

Three Covers and an Article – September 2018

It’s September! This month, I have a trifecta of covers in Horse Illustrated, Young Rider and TheHorse.com, along with an article on Barn Cameras in Horse Illustrated (with photos of my beauties!) and two photos opening an article on Navicular for Horse & Rider Magazine.

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