December Horse Illustrated Cover & Photo Portfolio

My friend Carol of Whispering Meadows Morgan Farm and I had been planning this morning’s photoshoot all winter. Her horses live just 10 minutes from me and she has a colorful herd of morgans on a very scenic piece of land. The part that couldn’t be planned is, I wanted to go on a morning when there was frost clinging to the trees, and that only happens a few times a winter, usually with little warning.
As I was eating breakfast, morning light started to illuminate the landscape and I looked out to see the trees heavy with frost. I texted Carol, she replied, and we were in business! I took care of my own horses and then thought I would wait until the sun came up a bit more before leaving when she sent me a photo of one of her foals with frost clinging to his fluffy coat. I chugged my coffee, grabbed my gear, and hit the road. We chased horses and stood in the snow for over 3 hours because we were having so much fun!
After I shared the images online, people responded so well to them, so I shared the photos with my editor and Horse Illustrated and asked if she might be interested in publishing them as a portfolio in a winter issue of the magazine. She loved the idea and the wheels were set in motion.
What I didn’t know is that they were going to run one of my favorites from the photo shoot ON THE COVER! I love how it perfectly allowed for title and text for the issue. This one is definitely going in a frame on my office wall!


  1. Shelley S

    November 6, 2020

    How exciting! I loved these pictures when you posted them a while back, but the magazine’s arrangement of them makes them even more magical.

    And you’re right. That cover photo perfectly lends itself to working with the title and text.

    Absolutely wonderful!

    • Shelley Paulson

      November 13, 2020

      You are right, the magazine makes them positively come to life! Thank you so much!


  2. Shiloh Ciske

    November 6, 2020

    Hi Shelley! It’s me, Shiloh Ciske! I love these pictures! Awesome!

    • Shelley Paulson

      November 13, 2020

      Thank you, Shiloh! I really appreciate it! I hope to see you soon!

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