Editorial Equine Photography

Elevate your equestrian print or digital publication with beautiful, authentic photography that will grab your audience's attention.

The right images can make or break how your audience connects with your equestrian publication. Subtle details such as proper horse behavior, the right tack, safety precautions, and good horsemanship are not just important—they are a necessity. Yet this is where equine images often fall short on the major stock photo sites. 

Your equine photography should complement and highlight the heart of your equestrian publication. 

I bring my lifetime of experience with horses and 19-plus years as a photographer to help you find just the right image for your publication. I know how to consistently create equine images that feature captivating light, creative compositions, rich life-like color, and most importantly, emotional impact. 

Find Just the Right Images for Your Equine Publication

Equine Stock Library

With my library, it’s to find the right photo for your publication’s cover or feature article. My library features over 10,000 high-quality equine-only images for you to search and license for both web and print.

I regularly add photos to my library from a variety of disciplines and breeds. The best part? You can rest assured every photo will pass the horsemanship and quality test in your photo guidelines!

Editorial Photography

Do you have a particular image need you can't find in my stock library? Or are you looking for a photo essay with rich, colorful full-spread equine images that will connect to your audience and raise the quality of your publication?

With a custom photoshoot, we work together to create images to meet your individual needs. The end result will be beautifully crafted images which help your readers connect with your written content.

Working with Shelley Paulson Photography has, without a doubt, elevated the look and feel of both Horse Illustrated and Young Rider magazines. Shelley’s images are always beautifully lit and tack-sharp, and never look dramatically over-edited. They have a natural beauty that captures the essence of horses and their relationship with people.

Shelley has also written multiple articles for us that go with photo portfolio sets, giving the reader an eye-candy peek into different facets of breeds and other interesting corners of the horse world. Her stock site makes searching and downloading effortless, which saves me precious time when on publishing deadlines.

Holly Caccamise

Editor, horse illustrated/young rider

Client List

Publications I've been honored to work with include:

editorial work in action

Equine Media Awards


Equine Media Awards 2022

1st place in Editorial Human-Animal Bond Photograph
Published in TheHorse

Riding, Western

Equine Media Awards 2022

1st place in Editorial Action Photograph
Published in TheHorse

Screen Shot 2021-04-30 at 2.58.50 PM

Equine Media Awards 2021

1st place in Freelance Editorial Photo
Published in The Competitive Equestrian


Equine Media Awards 2021

2nd place in Editorial Action Photograph and Freelance Editorial Action Photograph
Published in Horse Illustrated

Equine Media Awards 2020

1st Place, Horse and Human Bond
Published in Horse Illustrated

Equine Media Awards 2020

2nd place in Equine-Related Editorial Series (writing and photography) Published in Horse Illustrated

Equine Media Awards 2019

1st place for Best Equine Related Non-Fiction Book Published by Amherst Media

Equine Media Awards 2018

2nd place in Editorial Human-Animal Bond Photograph Published in Horse Illustrated

Equine Media Awards 2018

1st Place Business Equine-related Advertising/Marketing Photograph
Farnam Horse Ultimate Horse Care Guide

Are you ready to elevate your equine publication with captivating images?