Ashley and Jetta, A Session to Remember

When Ashley contacted me last fall about doing a session for her beloved Jetta, here’s what she said, ” I have a 23 year old Appaloosa I rescued 2 winters ago from slaughter, he was a rough mess but my heart was stolen and has been ever since. He is blind almost completely, has severe arthritis and we just found out has cushings. The impossibility of me not having this old crazy horse is devastating. We have to put him down before the temperatures get too cold for him, around October/November we decided would be best for him. I would LOVE to capture him and I before it is too late.”

We did the session just in time, the week before, he started to lose weight and they knew time was not on their side. Exactly one month after this session, Ashley had to say goodbye to her sweet Jetta.

The reason I share all this and tug at your heart strings is that I wish for all horse owners to have photos with their horses. Even if they are not experiencing health problems, you just never know when something might happen and you don’t get another day to capture your relationship with your beloved horse in the form of a photograph. My horse is 21 and in great health, but I had photos done with her last summer because I didn’t want to let another year pass without being photographed with her.

After the session, Ashley had this to say about her photos, “I really can’t tell you how much I love them! You did such an amazing job at capturing Jetta and I even though it was nearly impossible to do! You worked magic and I’m forever grateful for that. I will honestly treasure them forever and can’t wait to get some up in our new home so I can tell everyone about how great you are and about our day in the fall with Jetta. They’re priceless, timeless and beautiful. The biggest thank you to you Shelley, from the bottom of my heart.”

Honestly, this is my favorite part of my job – saving memories for wonderful people like Ashley.

For more information about my special “Remember Session” for older or terminally ill horses, visit my Remember Session page.







Ashley loved this photo! I love clients who have a great sense of humor! 😀





  1. Ashley

    May 29, 2014

    Shelley! I’m a blubbering mess! Brings me back to this crazy, hard but magical day. Sending love to you for this. You’re an angel. Xoxoxo

  2. Jennifer

    May 30, 2014

    I can’t agree with you more on the fact that these pictures are so nice to have because you really don’t know when that day is going to come that they aren’t around anymore I lost my horse last June to a broken leg so she was here and perfectly healthy one min and then literally gone the next. I had pictures taken with her the summer before and they are some of my most treasured things that I have. So go get some pictures taken that someday you can look back and remember that horse that stole your heart.

  3. Jean

    May 30, 2014

    Such beautiful photos! The love between these two is obvious! Shelley you captured it beautifully! To Ashley, you rescued this guy and it is obvious he loved you for it! Sorry your time with him was short! What awesome photos you have to go with your memories!

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